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 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them

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John Watson
Kara Walters
Peter Pan
Skylar T. McMillan
Walter Blomberg
Eloise A. St-James
11 participants
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Kara Walters
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Kara Walters

| Avatar : melissa benoist

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Media
Je serais toujours là pour toi lena.

| Conte : les toons (mickey & cie), epic mickey
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : ortensia

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4VeNL

| Cadavres : 854

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-02, 22:36

re-bienvenue [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2727069659
https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t85252-miaou-fais-le-chat-ta https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t89853-never-be-enough-regina-and-the-other-s-links https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t89853-never-be-enough-regina-and-the-other-s-links https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t89428-loft-de-kara-quartier-est https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t89435-le-weekly-planet-centre-ville https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t86275-_karawalters_

John Watson
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

John Watson

| Avatar : Dan Stevens

| Conte : Sherlock Holmes
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Dr John Watson

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 MVyUygr

| Cadavres : 130

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-02, 22:43


Citation :
IL EST TROP BEAUUUU ! Trop beau [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2727069659 un peu trop d'ailleurs [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2724229657 il vole la vedette à Sherlock [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782

La jalousie, c'est moche [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 332879724 et puis, je suis sur que y'a plein gens qui trouve Sherlock pas mal aussi [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2852471132 la preuve, il était deuxième dans les cœurs à prendre aux dernier awards [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1375884928

Citation :
Attention à Eurus, Nat m'a dit qu'elle comptait le draguer. Ne succombe pas [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 elle est mauvaise [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782

Sympathique pour Eurus [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 mais bon, on verra ça [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3392629739

Citation :
Je suis trop content que tu es pris Watson [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815 si tu as des questions hésite pas en tout cas! Re-Bienvenue [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815

Merci [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815 petit coup de pression quand même, vu que c'est ton pv, j'espère pas faire n'importe quoi [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3272568571 faut que je vienne te voir pour la partie après malédiction [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4049562214


Citation :
Oooooh t'as fini par craquer !! Mais c'est trop cool ça !!

Ouiiii [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 242150264 un de mes perso favoris, je pouvais pas ne pas passer à côté [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3032705267

Citation :
Bienvenue dans la Team Baker Street... il faudra que nos persos se croisent un de ces quatre !

Merci beaucoup [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2727069659 et oui il faut, bon Mycroft à pas spécialement manquer à John [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 479813545 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1574146564 par contre je pense que lui et Angelika pourront s'entendre [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 103884667

Citation :
En tout cas je te souhaite bonne chance pour la rédaction de ta fiche !

Merci encore une fois [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3532136482


Citation :
Eurus va lui trouver un petit nom tu vas voir !!!

J'en doute pas [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1375884928

Citation :
Je t'en prie ça m'a fait plaisir !!!

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815

Citation :
C'est tellement vilain de la part de mon frère de dire de telles méchancetés sur le compte de la délicate et innocente Eurus !

Ça y est, le conflit entre Holmes commence déjà, je vais repartir moi je crois [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870

Merciiiii en tout les cas [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 103884667

@Kara: Merci [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1617451880

Eurus J. Holmes
« Good and bad are fairytales. »

Eurus J. Holmes

| Avatar : Keira Knightley

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Jasn

"Ce nouveau design, c'est juste pour moi ?"

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1bvs

"Ne faites pas comme si vous n'aviez pas envie de regarder..."

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 MVyUygr

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Eurus_10

| Conte : Sherlock Holmes
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Eurus, la soeur de Sherlock

| Cadavres : 1139

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-02, 23:01 « Good and bad are fairytales. »

Citation :
J'en doute pas
[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688
Déjà elle va lui attribuer une chanson "Angel eyes". [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1574146564 Elle va lui faire détester Abba. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1924979395 (à moins qu'il n'aime déjà pas de base [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3392629739 Dans ce cas-là, je le plains encore plus ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723)

Citation :
Ça y est, le conflit entre Holmes commence déjà, je vais repartir moi je crois
Mais noooon reste voyons. Tu viens à peine d'arriver. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1634017881

(Rien à voir mais j'ai mis le LiveAid en même temps que je suis sur l'ordi... hkzhfkhezkhkze je suis hypnotisée. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 Non mais ces gars quoi... [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545)
https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t79373-eurus-she-s-like-the- https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t90873-eurus-anyway-the-wind-blows

John Watson
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

John Watson

| Avatar : Dan Stevens

| Conte : Sherlock Holmes
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Dr John Watson

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 MVyUygr

| Cadavres : 130

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-02, 23:10

Eurus J. Holmes a écrit:

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688

Déjà elle va lui attribuer une chanson "Angel eyes". [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1574146564 Elle va lui faire détester Abba. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1924979395 (à moins qu'il n'aime déjà pas de base [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3392629739 Dans ce cas-là, je le plains encore plus ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723)

OMG [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 j'adore [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 John n'a pas d'avis particulier sur ABBA je pense [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 mais à un moment donner cette chanson finira par le gonfler [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

Citation :
Mais noooon reste voyons. Tu viens à peine d'arriver. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1634017881

Justement, ça sera comme si personne ne m'avais vu [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3392629739

Citation :
(Rien à voir mais j'ai mis le LiveAid en même temps que je suis sur l'ordi... hkzhfkhezkhkze je suis hypnotisée. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 Non mais ces gars quoi... [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545)

(Haaan LiveAid [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 mais oui ils ont trop de talents [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 ça me fait penser, qu'il faut que je m'achète les DVDs des concert de Queen [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3032705267 )

Eurus J. Holmes
« Good and bad are fairytales. »

Eurus J. Holmes

| Avatar : Keira Knightley

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Jasn

"Ce nouveau design, c'est juste pour moi ?"

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1bvs

"Ne faites pas comme si vous n'aviez pas envie de regarder..."

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 MVyUygr

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Eurus_10

| Conte : Sherlock Holmes
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Eurus, la soeur de Sherlock

| Cadavres : 1139

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-02, 23:43 « Good and bad are fairytales. »

John Watson a écrit:
OMG [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 j'adore [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 John n'a pas d'avis particulier sur ABBA je pense [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 mais à un moment donner cette chanson finira par le gonfler [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

Tu m'étonnes ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 Quand il en pourra plus elle le forcera à regarder Mamma Mia 2. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1574146564
En fait il va habiter à Baker Street ? [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 Parce que si jamais y a plus assez de place, Eurus veut bien se serrer dans son grenier pour lui en faire un peu, hein. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 479813545

Citation :
(Haaan LiveAid [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 mais oui ils ont trop de talents [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 ça me fait penser, qu'il faut que je m'achète les DVDs des concert de Queen [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3032705267 )
Mais oui il faut !!! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 242150264 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 242150264
Là du coup après le LiveAid j'ai lancé pleins de clips sur Youtube à la télé. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3771730908 Seb est à fond aussi. Je lui ai montré Breakthru, vu qu'on a regardé Retour vers le Futur III y a quelques jours et que le train ressemble trop !! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1790595388
https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t79373-eurus-she-s-like-the- https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t90873-eurus-anyway-the-wind-blows

Benjamin Clawhauser
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Benjamin Clawhauser

| Avatar : Aaron Paul

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Kn6i
♪♫ It's bad to be a lemooOOon ♫♪

de Daddy Donuts
[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Drj910
[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Benji-L-o
-Duff, c'est compote...

| Conte : Zootopie
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Benjamin Clawhauser

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Zey310

| Cadavres : 501

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-03, 07:10

Ohlalaaaaa Dan Stevens mon cœur a tout fondu là je l'adore dans Legion [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2727069659 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2727069659 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2727069659 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2727069659 Rebienvenue [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1412354410 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2494870335 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815

« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »


| Avatar : Ewan McGregor

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 T1e5

Mais oui, bien sûr! Je compte moins que Vaiana ou Athéna!

Hermès Express, pas de stresses, que des belles fesses.

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Hermes10

| Conte : ➴ Hercule
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : ➴ Hermès

| Cadavres : 2969

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-03, 08:29

Citation :
C'est tellement vilain de la part de mon frère de dire de telles méchancetés sur le compte de la délicate et innocente Eurus

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2724229657 Tu ne trompes personne [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1325677926 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1325677926

Citation :
petit coup de pression quand même, vu que c'est ton pv, j'espère pas faire n'importe quoi
Je l'ai rebooté pour que tout aille au plus simple ^^ te mets pas la pression pour ca xDDDD je veux juste des rp avec mon Watson [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1634017881 c'est tout ce que je demmmmmmannnnndeeeeee [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815
Citation :

et oui il faut, bon Mycroft à pas spécialement manquer à John
Héhé, et toc, romonte ton slibard Lothar [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1924979395 le grand frère en prend plein sa mouille [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688

Citation :
Ça y est, le conflit entre Holmes commence déjà, je vais repartir moi je crois
MAIS NAAAAAAAN surtout que c'est elle qui a commencé [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 elle commence toujours [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 et après elle dit que c'est les autres [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782

Citation :
Elle va lui faire détester Abba.
Impossible c'est marqué dans la fiche PV. C'est un des pouvoirs de John. "John Watson est immunisé contre la salive de Serpent d'Eurus Holmes. Et il ne peut en aucun cas détester Abba"

Salive de serpent c'est peut etre un peu fort [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 pardon Nat. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 je m'emporte quand on touche à John.

Citation :
En fait il va habiter à Baker Street ? Parce que si jamais y a plus assez de place, Eurus veut bien se serrer dans son grenier pour lui en faire un peu, hein.
Il habite ou il veut [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3213561239 Mais pas là bas ! C'EST FINI OUI ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3707044744 T'APPROCHE PAS !
*voit Sherlock la chasser avec un canon à eau anti-manifestant.* [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2724229657
Laisse le respirer [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 tu vas le faire partir [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 Il est fragile [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 me l'abîme pas. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782


Eurus J. Holmes
« Good and bad are fairytales. »

Eurus J. Holmes

| Avatar : Keira Knightley

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Jasn

"Ce nouveau design, c'est juste pour moi ?"

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1bvs

"Ne faites pas comme si vous n'aviez pas envie de regarder..."

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 MVyUygr

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Eurus_10

| Conte : Sherlock Holmes
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Eurus, la soeur de Sherlock

| Cadavres : 1139

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-03, 13:00 « Good and bad are fairytales. »

Wallace McFly a écrit:
[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2724229657 Tu ne trompes personne [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1325677926 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1325677926
Poupouille ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1325677926 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1375884928

Citation :
Impossible c'est marqué dans la fiche PV. C'est un des pouvoirs de John. "John Watson est immunisé contre la salive de Serpent d'Eurus Holmes. Et il ne peut en aucun cas détester Abba"
[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

Citation :
Salive de serpent c'est peut etre un peu fort [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 pardon Nat. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 je m'emporte quand on touche à John.
Trop taaard tu m'as trop blessée !! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2731903649 Pour la peine Sherlock devra dire dans un de ses rps que sa soeur est merveilleuse et qu'il l'admire !! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 727948119 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2852471132

Citation :
Il habite ou il veut [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3213561239 Mais pas là bas ! C'EST FINI OUI ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3707044744 T'APPROCHE PAS !
*voit Sherlock la chasser avec un canon à eau anti-manifestant.* [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2724229657
Laisse le respirer [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 tu vas le faire partir [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 Il est fragile [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 me l'abîme pas. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782
T'en fais pas, mon frère. Je sais prendre soin des jolies choses. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688

https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t79373-eurus-she-s-like-the- https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t90873-eurus-anyway-the-wind-blows

John Watson
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

John Watson

| Avatar : Dan Stevens

| Conte : Sherlock Holmes
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Dr John Watson

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 MVyUygr

| Cadavres : 130

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-03, 13:12

Eurus J. Holmes a écrit:

Tu m'étonnes ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 Quand il en pourra plus elle le forcera à regarder Mamma Mia 2. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1574146564

Roh la la [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 C'est quoi cette nouvelle façon de torturer les gens ? [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

Citation :
En fait il va habiter à Baker Street ? [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 Parce que si jamais y a plus assez de place, Eurus veut bien se serrer dans son grenier pour lui en faire un peu, hein. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 479813545

C'est une bonne question [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1617451880

Tellement partageuse cette Eurus [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 479813545

Citation :
Mais oui il faut !!! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 242150264 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 242150264

Là du coup après le LiveAid j'ai lancé pleins de clips sur Youtube à la télé. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3771730908 Seb est à fond aussi. Je lui ai montré Breakthru, vu qu'on a regardé Retour vers le Futur III y a quelques jours et que le train ressemble trop !! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1790595388

Je vais le faire, je réfléchis à si j'attend mon anniv' pour les demander ou si je commande bientôt [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 389291038

Ah oui ? [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1617451880 ça fait longtemps que j'ai pas vu Retour III donc quand j'ai vu le clip la première fois, j'ai pas fait gaffe [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

@Benji: Ouiiiii il est trop bien dans Legion [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 675216545 j'adore David [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 242150264

Merci beaucoup [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 727948119

Wallace McFly a écrit:

Je l'ai rebooté pour que tout aille au plus simple ^^ te mets pas la pression pour ca xDDDD je veux juste des rp avec mon Watson [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1634017881 c'est tout ce que je demmmmmmannnnndeeeeee [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 283248815

C'est mon truc de me mettre la pression [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3771730908

Et tu en aura pleeeeins [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1448436036 je te réserve même le premier [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3864256854

Citation :
Héhé, et toc, romonte ton slibard Lothar [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1924979395 le grand frère en prend plein sa mouille [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

En même temps, on sait tous que le Holmes favoris de John c'est Sherlock [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3392629739

Citation :
MAIS NAAAAAAAN surtout que c'est elle qui a commencé [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 elle commence toujours [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 et après elle dit que c'est les autres [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782

*pat pat* Ça va aller [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2852471132

Citation :
Impossible c'est marqué dans la fiche PV. C'est un des pouvoirs de John. "John Watson est immunisé contre la salive de Serpent d'Eurus Holmes. Et il ne peut en aucun cas détester Abba"

Salive de serpent c'est peut etre un peu fort [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 pardon Nat. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 je m'emporte quand on touche à John.

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723 [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

Punaise, si c'est déjà comme ça dans la fiche de présentation, je me demande à quoi ça va ressembler en rp tout ça [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 453450723

Citation :
Il habite ou il veut [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3213561239 Mais pas là bas ! C'EST FINI OUI ! [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3707044744 T'APPROCHE PAS !
*voit Sherlock la chasser avec un canon à eau anti-manifestant.* [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2724229657
Laisse le respirer [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 tu vas le faire partir [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 Il est fragile [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 me l'abîme pas. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782

*John pousse un long soupire*

C'est fini oui ? [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4070235387 et puis je suis pas fait en sucre quand même [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2724229657

Citation :
T'en fais pas, mon frère. Je sais prendre soin des jolies choses. [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688

Choses ? Je suis pas un bibelot hein [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1325677926

Sherlock Holmes
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Sherlock Holmes

| Avatar : Benedict Cumberbatch

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Wiuf

« Tu devrais pas regarder les gens comme ça »

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 Original

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 MVyUygr

| Conte : Sherlock Holmes
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Sherlock Holmes

| Cadavres : 2965

[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _

________________________________________ 2020-06-03, 13:54

Citation :
Pour la peine Sherlock devra dire dans un de ses rps que sa soeur est merveilleuse et qu'il l'admire !
Il l'admire déjà [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 1139808870 mais il le dira jamais [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782

Citation :
T'en fais pas, mon frère. Je sais prendre soin des jolies choses.
Et ca recommence [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 4114364782 elle va se le faire [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2731903649 c'est sur et certains [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2731903649 c'est peut etre déjà fait [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 2731903649

Citation :
En même temps, on sait tous que le Holmes favoris de John c'est Sherlock
AAAAAAAAAAAAH ! ELLE L'A DIT ! * tire la langue à Nat *
Et ils pourront même vivre une idylle [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 3109594688 Sherlock est célib [Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 332879724

Citation :
*John pousse un long soupire*

C'est fini oui ? et puis je suis pas fait en sucre quand même

Choses ? Je suis pas un bibelot hein

C'est bon. Tu l'as déjà en toi. Le John Watson. Je te valide ? :o ca me suffit perso

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[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them - Page 2 _


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[Terminer] I'm an army doctor which means I could break every bones in your body while naming them

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