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 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay

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Regina Mills
Ben Ranger
Barlay Lightfoot
Lucifer S. Phosphoros
Skylar T. McMillan
Connor Richardson-Kennedy
Desmond Blake
I. Thomson Lightfoot
12 participants
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Barlay Lightfoot
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Barlay Lightfoot

| Avatar : Jensen Ackles

Personnage abandonné

| Conte : Onward
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : BarlEy

| Cadavres : 94

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 13:44

    [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  Tumblr_nm1q18zqlX1rmwsrbo1_500
    Barlay Lightfoot
« For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! »

Fiche Technique.

    ♠ Surnom(s) → Momonga
    ♠ Age → 32 ans

    ♠ Occupation / Emploi → Professeur d'histoire à l'université (+ tiens un petit commerce/bouquiniste où l'on peut se poser)

    ♠ Votre personnage est-il tiré d'un conte ? : OUI
    ♠ Si oui, lequel et qui est-il dedans ? : ONWARD !


    Caractère → Barlay est un fan de magie. Il adore en parler. Il est le genre de personne à voir de la magie dans chaque chose qu'il voit. Il est très proche des mythes et de l'histoire, et il aimerait pouvoir montrer au monde ce que lui voit. Il joue Momonga, une ghoul dans une jeu vidéo en ligne, et il est assez connu pour son rôle. Il joue souvent à des jeux de rôle en physique. Il aime le passé et l'histoire, et tiens toujours à préservé le souvenir, et les monuments historiques. Il est souvent excité et motivé, il ne perds jamais foi en une personne a qui il donne sa confiance. Toujours optimiste. Il a juste peur de perdre la mémoire de son père, mais essaie de l'ignorer. Il se souvient des deux pertes de son père, et il ne veut pas que cela impacte trop sa vie, bien que maintenant il soit totalement en panique rien qu'à pensé à aller à l'hôpital. Il est souvent dans son monde, ce qui fait que certaine fois il sait que les gens ont honte de lui et ça le blesse. Il est charismatique, et il sait sans servir même si jamais il cache son côté enfantin. Tu l'aimes avec ou tu l'aimes pas.

    Une Particularité ? → Il a plusieurs tatouages, mais personne ne saura où pour le moment. Il est toujours chez sa mère (et son frère) bien qu'il a son propre appartement. Il sait se battre (mais sans dire lequel de sport de combat c'est un mixte chelou de tout ce qu'il a essayé). Adore conduire, et surtout sa voiture (Genièvre qui est une Impala, parce que). Il est tolérant à la douleur. Il adore les tartes. Pas un peu, pas beaucoup, pas passionnément, mais à la folie.

    Les Pouvoirs → Comme Ian, il a le pouvoir du sorcier de son père. Mais si Ian a réussi à les développé dans le monde des contes, cela ne fut pas son cas. Pour le moment Barlay n'a même pas conscience qu'il a des pouvoirs. Ses pouvoirs sont en sommeils. Quand il aura ses pouvoirs, il aura des contrepartie, comme ceux de Ian. Donc la fatigue, ainsi que la sensation de ses pouvoirs. (exemple s'il lance du feu, il sentira des brûlures). Mais pour le moment il ne le sais pas.

Votre Vie dans le monde des contes.

    [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  Tumblr_psguebld6l1v7slg9_540

    "L'histoire se déroule dans un monde habité par des créatures légendaires, magiques ... et des fégnasses qui ont fini par préféré les avions à leurs propres ailes, ils sont un peu con ... Mais bon.

    Cette histoire raconte l'épique quête de deux frères qui, après que l'un d'eux à réussi à faire réapparaitre seulement la moitié du corps de leur défunt père, décide de partir pour aller chercher la puissance de le faire revenir en entier.

    Quelle épopée semait d'embuche les amis ! Ian qui n'écoutait jamaiiiiiis ce que je lui disait. Je lui disait "Dit le avec le coeur" et il me faisait la tête de celui qui n'y arriverait pas. Ce que je lui en foutrait moi des "j'y arriverais pas".

    Bref, après être allé chez la manticore récupéré la carte pour trouver la pierre, on a du suivre le chemin des becs de corbeaux, faire un bateau en ship, que j'ai mangé mais soyez en assuré je n'ai pas tout mangé, pour revenir devant l'université.

    Là mon frère il a encore fait son pessimiste de sortie, il est parti boudé, pendant que moi j'allais cherché la pierre parce que je savais que j'avais raison, et après tout, j'ai toujours raison. J'ai même sacrifié ma voiture parce que j'avais raison !

    BREF, on m'écoute au fond de la salle ! Une fois que j'ai récupéré la pierre, un monstre est sorti avec la tête de la mascotte du lycée ... et on l'a combattu, je crois. Fin moi je suis plus allé dire au revoir à mon père... Mais j'ai même pas eu le temps de lui dire ce que j'avais à dire avant la malédiction de merde là !

    Et ! Vous m'avez écouter ? Puisque c'est comme ça, interrogation écrite demain [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  2724229657 "

Votre Vie à Storybrooke.

    [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  Tumblr_o6xsu3wPQX1uzh224o1_500

    Un râle se fit entendre dans la salle de classe. Râle qui fit accueillit par le professeur d'histoire d'un sourire sadique et qu'un petit regard d'ange.

    "Si vous ne voulez pas d'interro demain alors laissez moi raconter mon histoire bande de petit ! Donc où est ce que j'en étais ? AH oui, donc il y a eu la malédiction !

    J'étais dans une famille aimante pendant la malédiction, et la même un peu que mon monde. Une mère adorable bien que toqué, un père qui meurt, c'est la vie, et un petit frère trop timide qui mériterait qu'on le secoue un peu ... moi je le fais trop, il va finir par me haïr.

    Bref, que de bref dans cette histoire, alors que je faisais le con dans un parc, comme d'habitude, quelqu'un en a profiter pour kidnappé mon petit frère. Je vais pas vous faire le speetch du frère triste, mais si cette poufiasse était en vie je la tuerais moi même !

    Oh ça va, soyez pas choqué pour si peu ! Comme si vous la tueriez pas vous cette femme qui kidnappe votre petit frère et la séquestre. Donc avec ma mère on l'a cherché LOGIQUE vous me diriez mais au bout d'un moment même les flics on arrêtait de le chercher, et ma mère et moi on ne savait plus ou chercher.

    J'allais abandonné quand je l'ai croisé dans la rue. OUI c'était plus un bébé mais je l'ai croisé, et je lui ai parlé, et j'ai su que j'allais le récupéré, et je vous rappelle quelque chose j'ai toujours raison. Bon Ian est un petit con il m'a échappé, mais ça n'empêche qu'il était en vie et que je savais qu'il fallait continuer à chercher ! Puis un jour il m'a contacté... fin aucune preuve que c'était lui, mais c'était lui et on est allé le chercher ! "

    Au fond de la salle une voix se fit entendre d'une élève à une autre.
    "Rappelle moi pourquoi on l'écoute".
    "Parce qu'il est sexy".

Votre vie après la malédiction.

    [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  Tumblr_nqpz30Zd2z1s7p5zmo1_500

    "Vous êtes tous nuls ! Voilà, je vous raconte une super histoire épique et véridique et vous réagissait comme si je listais les chaînes télés ! j'ai vraiment envie de vous mettre une interro là ça me démange"

    Un garçon leva la main et finit par demander alors ce qu'il s'était passé pour couper court à Barlay qui parlait d'un contrôle que personne ne voulait.

    "Mon frère s'est échappé le jour du levé de la malédiction, double frère et en plus il est revenu, si elle est pas belle la vie ! On a du se battre, encore, avec le dragon qui n'était autre que la femme qui a kidnappé mon frère, et on la ramenait à la maison par la peau du ... derrière.

    Et vous savez quoi, on avait la belle vie ensemble, et toujours d'ailleurs ... même si on est sur maintenant que notre père n'est pas mort dans ce monde ci, mais on va pas chipoter une chose à la fois, des questions?"

    Un élève, le même que tout à l'heure, leva la main doucement alors que tout le monde le fusilla du regard, ils voulaient tous partir de là. Il demanda tout de même si lui aussi il avait des pouvoirs.

    "non, moi je suis le sage, le guerrière, mais pas le mage".

    Dit Barlay en remettant sa toge de césar en place sur son corps et en réajustant sa courrone de laurier. C'est vrai, aujourd'hui le cours devait être sur César mais tant pis ! C'était mieux de parler de son frère !



Célébrité de votre Avatar : Jensen Ackles
Est-ce un poste vacant ? : Sort of.

Multicompte ? : La flemme de les dire.

Besoin d'un parrain ou d'une marraine ? : Non merci

Entre nous

Pseudo / Prénom : Mél ça ira
Votre avis sur le forum : mon avis est un avis qu'à mon avis vous avez envie de connaître, mais je le dirais pas
Comment l’avez vous découvert : Code rp

Si vous deviez choisir entre héros, vilain, magique, prince(sse), ancien animal, rebelle ou divin pour votre team vous choisiriez quoi ? : Magique

Le mot de la fin : Barley PRESIDENT !

I. Thomson Lightfoot
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

I. Thomson Lightfoot

| Cadavres : 286

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 13:44

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! 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- Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264

MON BRO IL EST LAAAAAAA [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666

Je suis tellement contente que tu ais pris Barlay d'amour [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 ça va être troooooop bien [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264

Bon tu sais où me trouver si jamais y a un soucis [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3109594688 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1634017881

Bon courage pour ta fiche et j'espère que tu vas bien t'amuser avec [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  D6a39e30929e7dfd11fc63ff487772f854a6b0aa
Même si parfois il en a marre de Barlay [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3771730908 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3771730908 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3771730908 il aime son grand frère [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545
https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t90316-si-la-vie-etait-un-lo https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t90468-liste-de-rp-s#1301555 https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t89717-description-des-lieux



[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 13:48

Moi aussi je veux me poser là :o
Je connais déjà la fiche moi [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  479813545
Oui je me la pète [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3392629739 Laissez-moi ça svp T-T

Des bisous [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545

Barlay Lightfoot
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Barlay Lightfoot

| Avatar : Jensen Ackles

Personnage abandonné

| Conte : Onward
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : BarlEy

| Cadavres : 94

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 13:58

Ian - :cute: :cute: :cute: :cute: :cute: Merci à toi de l'avoir fait avant :o :o :o je l'aurais jamais fait sinon et j'aurais pleuré dans mon coeur :o

Je sais où te trouvé ne t'en fais pas [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545

Mana - Oui pose toi, tu veux un petit café ? du thé ? reste donc [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545
Et oui tu l'as connais déjà [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545 même si tu m'as pas dit ce que tu en pensais sauf que tu trouvais pas Jensen sexy [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3213561239



[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 14:11

Ouhou, les bros dans la place [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545

Barlay Lightfoot
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Barlay Lightfoot

| Avatar : Jensen Ackles

Personnage abandonné

| Conte : Onward
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : BarlEy

| Cadavres : 94

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 14:16

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1634017881 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1634017881 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1634017881 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1634017881
Ils vont vous en faire voir de toutes les couleurs MOUHAHAHAHHA

Desmond Blake
« I am the perfect devil.
Tell me how bad I am. It makes
me feel so good. »

Desmond Blake

| Avatar : Rami Malek *o*

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  6j3x

Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs.
“Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery.
Well, I'm evil, so don't you
mess around with me.”

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  Dc03

| Conte : Intrigue divine sauce titanesque avec soupçon de mal de crâne
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Cerbère, le fidèle et redoutable chien à trois têtes

| Cadavres : 1682

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 14:52 « I am the perfect devil. Tell me how bad I am. It makes me feel so good. »

Re-bienvenuuuuue ! [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3771730908

Connor Richardson-Kennedy
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Connor Richardson-Kennedy

| Avatar : Bryan Dechart

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  En2n

They got my blood up in their veins
I get a cut, they feel my pain
They got my heart, they got my soul
They know the stuff nobody knows

They is my family, they is my family
They might be crazy, but they is my family

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  Tumblr-pf2hgo-You-A1uxd9mdo3-540

| Conte : Detroit Become Human
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Connor, la version low cost de RK900

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  Partner-in-crime-Connor

| Cadavres : 40

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 14:58


Faut vraiment que je vois ce film un jour, les relations fraternelles c'est ma faiblesse et je sens que j'en aurais pour mon argent et mes feels [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  4114364782

Rebienvenue à toi, et j'te souhaite pas bon courage pour ta fiche vu qu'elle semble déjà terminée [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3771730908

Barlay Lightfoot
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Barlay Lightfoot

| Avatar : Jensen Ackles

Personnage abandonné

| Conte : Onward
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : BarlEy

| Cadavres : 94

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 15:09

Nat - merci [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545

Beaucoup on la même réaction pour le vava [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3109594688 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3109594688
Oui franchement j'ai adoré ce film alors si tu as l'occasion n'hésite pas [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545

Oui elle est terminé [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3109594688 j'avais trop hâte :o

I. Thomson Lightfoot
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

I. Thomson Lightfoot

| Cadavres : 286

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _

________________________________________ 2021-04-03, 15:09

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1634017881 OUAIS ON VA TOUT DEFONCER [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  2750729395 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  2750729395

Citation :
. et des fégnasses qui ont fini par préféré
[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  453450723 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  453450723

Citation :
seulement la moitié du corps de leur défunt père,

Citation :
Ce que je lui en foutrait moi des "j'y arriverais pas".
[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1574146564 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1574146564 BAH QUOI [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  4114364782 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  4114364782

Citation :
Je vais pas vous faire le speetch du frère triste, mais si cette poufiasse était en vie je la tuerais moi même !
[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3641168666

Citation :
n. Bon Ian est un petit con il m'a échappé,
J'temmerde [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1325677926 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1325677926 PAS MA FAUTE SI TU M'AS FAIT PEUR LA GENRE AUCUN TACT [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1325677926 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1325677926

Citation :
"Rappelle moi pourquoi on l'écoute".
"Parce qu'il est sexy".
Pour ça que Luci l'a embauché en vrai [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  1574146564 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  453450723

Citation :
arlay en remettant sa toge de césar en place sur son corps et en réajustant sa courrone de laurier.
Voila pourquoi Luci l'aime [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  453450723 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  453450723

ROOOOH TA FICHE EST TROOOOP BIEN [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  675216545 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264 [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  242150264

C'est parfait on peut valider pour moi [terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  3109594688
https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t90316-si-la-vie-etait-un-lo https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t90468-liste-de-rp-s#1301555 https://www.ouat-storybrooke-rpg.com/t89717-description-des-lieux

Contenu sponsorisé

[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay  _


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[terminé] For a spell to work, you have to speak from your heart’s fire! - Barlay

Disney Asylum Rpg :: ➸ Bienvenue à Storybrooke :: ♥ Présentation :: ➹ Persos validés